
I had my first encounter with technology through computer magazines that my parents used to buy at a newsstand near our home. I got an introduction to front-end development during my Computer Technician course in 2015, which was love at first sight and led me to pursue a degree in Information Systems.

As a proponent of continuous improvement, it's essential to stay updated with the latest trends and innovations in the field. In addition to keeping up with the development of various libraries and tech events (such as Next.js Conf), I follow several content creators in the front-end space, including Fireship, Jack Herrington, Theo - t3.gg, developedbyed, and ByteGrad.

As a Front-End Engineer, I work with a focus on React, Next.js, and TypeScript. However, this doesn't prevent me from exploring new technologies as needed (or out of curiosity). In the future, I also plan to work with backend and AI, given my previous experience with Node.js and Python.

Some of my interests include swimming, weightlifting, classic cinema, and gaming.